- Replying to jwa@. I’ll add a note about that to the Portfile It would be better if we fixed pgAdmin3 to use a specific wxWidgets port.
- What's new in PgAdmin IV 4.14: Added Copy with headers functionality when copy data from Query Tool/View Data. Implemented the Query Plan Analyser. Include PostgreSQL 12 binaries in the container. Ensure the MAC OSX app should be notarized for Catalina. Read the full changelog.
- Packages; Source; Software Catalogue; File Browser; File Browser Top → pgadmin → pgadmin3 → v1.22.2 → win32 Directories Parent Directory Files.
I'm trying to build pgadmin 1.20 from sources on Debian Jessie. I
already have 1.20.0~beta2-1 0 installed through apt-get, but it's pretty
buggy, which is why I'm looking into moving forward to the latest, or
back to 1.18.
Raw Message Whole Thread Download mbox Resend email: Thread: Lists: pgsql-bugs: Any ideas why PgAdmin 1.20 crashes on start (OS X 10.10.1)? PgAdmin III is an administration and management tool for the PostgreSQL database and derivative products such as EnterpriseDB, Mammoth PostgreSQL, Pervasive Postgres, and SRA PowerGres. It includes a graphical administration interface, an SQL query tool with graphical EXPLAIN, a procedural code editor, an SQL/shell/batch scheduling agent, Slony.
Anyway, I followed the script from INSTALL file. This is where I'm stuck:
# make
Rebuilding xrcdialogs.cpp...
wxrc: error while loading shared libraries: libwx_baseu_xml-2.8.so.0:
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
diff: ./pgadmin/ui/xrcDialogs.cpp.new: No such file or directory
mv: cannot stat ‘./pgadmin/ui/xrcDialogs.cpp.new’: No such file or directory
Makefile:1024: recipe for target 'xrc' failed
make: *** [xrc] Error 1
I tried reconfiguring to wxwidgets 3.0 version from apt-get (./configure
--with-wx-version=3.0 --with-wx=/usr). The same message.
I tried deleting everything and starting from scratch, both using
pgadmin 1.20 tarbal and the latest from master.
I tried reinstalling wxwidgets 2.8, both manually and using the
installer in xtra/wx-build/build-wxgtk.
The error message remains the same. My best guesses are, either
something has remained cached somewhere, or I messed up my wxwidgets
Any ideas where I should start looking?
Installing Postgresql using installer from EnterpriseDB on Ubuntu
This blog post describes installing Postgresql 9.4 and pgAdmin III 1.20.0 using the installer provided by EnterpriseDB.
Background (Or lessons learnt)
I recently installed a copy of Postgresql on Ubuntu based on instructions from the official web site (http://www.postgresql.org/download/linux/ubuntu/).
Unfortunately, the copy of pgAdmin III (a graphical UI to manage Postgresql databases) is outdated.
The version of Postgresql installed was 9.4 but the version of pgAdmin installed was 1.18.1 which has warnings issued when I connect to the database.
So I decide to do the next best thing mentioned in the page – use the installer from EnterpriseDB in hopes that they have packaged the latest copy of pgAdmin III.
I assumed you know how to start a terminal session and execute commands in it.
Summary of Steps
- Download Installer
- Making Installer executable
- Execute the Installer
Download Installer
Clicking the download link in the previous screen shot will bring me to the EnterpriseDB’s Postgresql install download page (http://www.enterprisedb.com/products-services-training/pgdownload).
Because I’m running the 64-bit version of Ubuntu, I clicked on the “Linux x86-64” button to download the installer.
After you clicked the button, you will be brought to a thank-you page.
Wait for the download to complete.
After the download has complete, your download folder should look like the below.
Making Installer executable
By default, the downloaded file is not executable by double-clicking it.
Attempts to do so, will result in the below dialog:
Click on the No button to close the dialog.
To make the downloaded file executable:
1. Start a terminal session and navigate to folder where you saved the downloaded installer.
2. Run the following command. Replace the text in bold if necessary if you are not using Ubuntu 64-bit.
Execute the installer
Now you can execute the installer. From the terminal session, run the following command start the installation wizard:
Install Pgadmin 4
You will see the welcome screen of the installation wizard.
Click on Next button to proceed to the next step of the installation wizard.
The installation wizard should prompt you for the location to install Postgresql.
Click on Next button to accept the default and proceed to the next step of the installation wizard.
The installation wizard will now prompt you for the directory to store data for Postgresql.
Click on Next button to accept the default and proceed to the next step of the installation wizard.
The installation wizard will now prompt you for a password to the postgres account.
This account is use for starting Postgresql.
Enter your desired password for this account.
Click on Next button to accept the default and proceed to the next step of the installation wizard.
The installation process will then prompt you for a port number that Postgresql will use to host the database server.
Click on Next button to accept the default and proceed to the next step of the installation wizard.
Note The default port that Postgresql use is 5432. However, this port is all in used by the first instance of Postgresql that I installed previously the installation wizard picked the next available port 5433. I accepted the defaults in the screen shot below planning to uninstall the first instance of Postgres and then reconfigure this instance of Postgresql to use port 5432.
The installation wizard will now prompt you for the locale that your database will use.
Click on Next button to accept the default and proceed to the next step of the installation wizard.
The installation will now declare that it has all the information need to install Postgresql.
Click on Next button to accept the default and proceed with installing Postgresql.
Pgadmin 1.20.0 Download
The installation wizard will start to install Postgresql.
Wait for the installation process to complete.
After the installation process has complete, you will see the below screen.
Click on Finish button to exit the installer.
Pgadmin 1.20 Download
Note If you not need to download and install additional software, uncheck the option to start Stack Builder at exit.
After you exit the installation wizard, you should be able to see the Postgresql that you just installed from the desktop menu.
Note If you do not see the menu item, you may need to re-login or restart your system.
Download Postgresql
The pgadmin installed should be version 1.20 and should work fine with Postgresql 9.4.