Ham Radio Deluxe Key

  1. These are projects using the Raspberry Pi (RPi) computer and amateur (Ham) radio. These project were completed by David Haworth, WA9ONY. A separate web page, RPi Computer Projects, demonstrates how to use the RPi computer for general purpose computing.
  2. 'Saskatchewan Ham Radio Swap and Shop. Squeeze Ele-Key. B&K Model 290 Deluxe electronic Multimeter. 2-25 ft welding cable set 7/16.

If you tried to retrieve your software activation key from our self-service key retrieval page and the system can't find you... and you believe you have purchased from us in the past... don't worry. We can help you.

Be29 used book pub: silver ham radio for dummies h. Ward silver 12.95 good 2013 358 pgs 2nd ed BF04 USED BOOK PUB: SKY/CAMBRI SKY ATLAS 2000.0 DELUXE WIL TIRION 49.95 GOOD 26 COLOR CHRTS+SLIDE. Dec 21, 2016 Meanwhile, Reddit threads and follow-up discussions to Giercyk's catalyst forum post reveal similar stories of keys being revoked after critical comments about Ham Radio Deluxe have appeared online. Other sources allege some amateur radio forums have in the past deleted posts critical of HRD.

IMPORTANT: If you have purchased the software from us at ANY time in the past, please DO NOT buy the software again. It's not necessary. While we appreciate the donation, we don't want you to buy the software again. We can find your previous purchase and get you an updated replacement key. (You are welcome to buy the Software Maintenance and Support renewals.)

(Ed. We see a lot of existing customer buying the software as new when they don't need to do that.)

Our new software activation key platform went into production in July 2019. All customers of record at that time were sent replacement keys (except in cases where we didn't have valid email addresses on record; don't worry, we can help you).

Please read the following before contacting support.

Ham radio deluxe key generator
  • Find and check your receipt. See what email address was used on the last order.
  • Try retrieving it with the email address from a previous order (if you still have access to that email address).
  • If you used an alias or forwarding email address (like arrl.net) for your purchase, you need to use that to retrieve your key.
    • It does get confusing because you are receiving email from us to your actual email address, but that email address is not in our system. Overall, we recommend not using alias or forwarding email addresses in order to avoid confusion.
    • NOTE: This is the most common reason why customers are unable to find their key. They registered with an arrl.net email address, but are attempting to retrieve their key with a different email address.
  • If none of this works, just email sales@hrdsoftwarellc.com and give us your callsign and email address used for the previous purchase.
  • If you need to change your email address or callsign, login to your profile at www.HamRadioDeluxe.com and update our callsign or email address there..

While we hams all think our callsign is our unique identifier, the systems that we use were not built for ham radio software. General purpose systems use email address as the unique identifier. In most cases, you will need to retrieve your key using the email address associated with your previous purchase.

For your software activation key, access to support, and for viewing your purchase history, it's important to use the same email address for all these communications.

To see other solutions related to software activation keys, please CLICK HERE.

When you purchase your permanent license for Ham Radio Deluxe the license key will be generated at that time and will be displayed on the last page of your order check-out. You can then write it down or print the page for reference. A receipt via e-mail will also be sent immediately following your transaction to the e-mail address you provided. This email will also contain your permanent license key.

[Note: Since upgrading to our new commercial license server in July 2019, it is necessary for you to upgrade your HRD software to V6.6.0.236 or newer (if you have not already done so). The old 16 character license keys you received when you purchased previous versions of HRD will no longer work with the new 6.6 versions of HRD. Therefore, we ask that you upgrade to V6.6 or newer version and use our new key retrieval system to get your new 30 character keys.]

If for some reason you cannot find your permanent license key, you can retrieve it by opening your favorite web browser and either type or copy and paste the following URL into the address field of your web browser.

Ham Radio Deluxe Keygen

You will land on a page that looks like this:

Once you are on the key retrieval page, make sure you check the option that says 'I'm not a robot' and enter your e-mail address.

NOTE: This e-mail address must be the same email address you provided when you last purchased Ham Radio Deluxe products. If you forward the email sent to this email address to another email address, it will likely cause confusion when trying to retrieve your key or obtain support.
Click the [OK] button and your license key will be e-mailed to you.

If the system cannot find you by email address, please check to be sure you are using the same email address you used with your most recent purchase.

Be mindful of cases where you are forwarding email, as the email address that you receive our newsletters and receipts from may be different than the email account you receive them into.



If the correct email address cannot be found, please click the link in the resulting message from the key retrieval page.

For security reasons, and to protect your purchase, the staff is no longer able to obtain and send your key to you.

Ham Radio Deluxe Key Code

To see other solutions related to software activation keys, please CLICK HERE.