安装时要'SKIP'跳过 LICENSE 安装步骤; 可以安装全部组件 3. 安装完必须重启再破解 ; (否则 KEYGEN 生成的 LICENSE 中,你的 ID 不对) 。 (不好意思, 破解补丁:mentor Graphics mgcld KeyGen V11.4.1.0 一般叫做 MentorKG.exe) (论坛里有, 破解注意事项:1.
Mentor Graphics Mgcld License Keygen Code
Mentor Graphics Mgcld License Keygen Free
Description to use this Keygen
This is license generator for almost all Mentor Graphics products.
It was tested on PADS 2007.3 & HDL Designer 2007.1b with patched mgls.dll.
NOTE: You should replace all instances of MGLS.DLL 1564672 bytes size with
provided on in PADS2007.3 installation directory to use license. This is
very important cause new MGLS.DLL utilizes CRO long signs and the only
way is to use patched verification routine in MGLS.DLL.
To generate license edit corresponding .src license file:
mdltech_fl.src - for counted floating license, update HostName and HostID
fields in SERVER line to match your host parameters.
Besides, your should correct DAEMON line to match rigth
path to you mgcld.exe location.
Note: HOSTID=ANY doesn't work.
mdltech_nl.src - for uncounted nodelocked license, update HOSTID field
in FEATURE line to match your host HOSTID.
You can use lmutil to obtain you HOSTID:
Run 'lmutil.exe hostid -n -ether' and take first value in produced string.
Run corresponding .bat-file to generate license:
make_float.bat - floating license generation.
make_nodelocked.bat - nodelocked license generation.
After all, you'll be given right license.dat. Smiley
Copy it to proper location and modify LM_LICENSE_FILE environment variable
to point the location of generated and copied license.dat.
PS: You are free to add FEATURES to .src files, but your should preserve
original syntax. Moreover, you can modify ISSUER field.
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MENTOR GRAPHICS MGCLD LICENSE KEYGEN Dec 3, 2013. In Applications Windows 50. 57 MB, 6, 8 years, 0, 1 Mentor. Graphics ModelSim. 1F in Applications Windows 10. 07 MB, 3, 6 years Dec 1, 2012. Torrent downloaded from Demonoid Com. Txt 0 MB; mentor MentorKG. Mentor Graphics MGCLD License KeyGen V8. 0 2012 by Team May 3, 2006. Freshtime:2010-06-29 08:49:36; Tag:Mentor Graphics Keyegn license Description to use this Keygen This is license generator for almost all Mentor Graphics products. It was tested on PADS 2007.3 & HDL Designer 2007.1b with patched mgls.dll.